Learn the Sleep Better 3-2-1 Method for Women in Menopause

Transform your sleep, health, and midlife journey with this online course. Kerry Burrows, a certified health & life coach, guides you with the 3-2-1 Better Sleep Method. Reclaim your nights, embrace transformation, and thrive in midlife.
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About This Product:

Are you a woman in midlife experiencing the transformative journey of perimenopause and menopause? Do you find yourself among the 60% of women who struggle with obtaining consistent, quality sleep, which not only affects your overall health but also your psychological and emotional well-being, contributes to weight gain, impairs cognitive function, and potentially exacerbates chronic illness? If so, it's time to take back control of your sleep and well-being. Welcome to a life-changing online course hosted by Kerry Burrows of KayBee Consulting, a certified health and life coach dedicated to empowering women during this crucial phase of life.


**Kerry Burrows: Your Guide to Midlife Transformation**


Kerry Burrows is not just another life coach; she's your partner in this incredible journey of transformation. With years of experience and expertise in health, life coaching, and a deep understanding of the unique challenges women face during perimenopause and menopause, Kerry is your trusted ally. She knows that sleep is the cornerstone of overall health and emotional well-being, and she's here to help you reclaim your nights.


**The Sleep Struggle in Midlife**


Midlife can be a time of profound change. Your body is undergoing a series of transformations, and these changes often manifest in the form of sleep disruptions. You're not alone; many women in midlife face these challenges, and they can take a significant toll on your quality of life. But the good news is that Kerry Burrows has designed a comprehensive online course to address these issues head-on.


**Introducing the 3-2-1 Better Sleep Method**


Our online course is built around the groundbreaking 3-2-1 Better Sleep Method, a holistic and natural approach to improving your sleep quality. We believe that sleep is not just about counting sheep; it's about understanding the science, implementing data-backed strategies, and embracing holistic remedies to empower your sleep journey. With the 3-2-1 Better Sleep Method, you'll gain the knowledge and tools you need to transform your sleep habits and, in turn, your life.


**What You'll Discover in Our Course**


This online course is a treasure trove of information and actionable steps. Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect:


- **Understanding Sleep in Midlife**: We'll delve into the intricacies of sleep, including the dangers of poor sleep, the role of sleep cycles, and the significance of your circadian rhythm. You'll gain insights into why women in perimenopause and beyond often struggle with sleep disturbances and the various physical, emotional, and stress-related challenges.


- **Weekly Habits for Health and Sleep**: We believe that true transformation starts with small, consistent changes. Each week, you'll adopt new habits that have a profound impact on your sleep quality and overall health. From nutrition and gut health to hydration and stress management, we'll guide you through the process of rejuvenating your well-being.


- **The Countdown to Bedtime**: We recognize that the hours leading up to bedtime are critical for achieving quality sleep. In our course, you'll discover what to do and what to avoid three hours, two hours, and one hour before bedtime. These practices will become the foundation of your nightly routine, ensuring you're primed for a restful night's sleep.


- **Creating Your Sleep Recipe**: Sleep is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. That's why we empower you to create your own sleep recipe. By understanding the science behind sleep and the holistic remedies available, you can tailor your approach to meet your unique needs.


- **Understanding Sleep Hygiene**: Sleep hygiene is essential for a restful night's sleep. We'll discuss the common disruptors of sleep in midlife, helping you identify potential issues that could be affecting your sleep quality.


- **The Impact of Diet and Environment**: Recent studies have shown that diet and environmental factors play a significant role in sleep quality. We'll delve into the effects of diet on sleep and the role of environmental chemicals during menopause. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed choices to improve your sleep.


- **Consulting with Professionals**: Sometimes, despite your best efforts, sleep troubles persist. In our course, we'll guide you on when it's time to consult with a healthcare professional or sleep specialist to address potential sleep disorders.


**16 Tips to Improve Sleep Hygiene**


To ensure your journey is successful, we provide you with a comprehensive list of 16 practical tips to improve sleep hygiene. These tips encompass everything from maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and getting daily exercise to dimming the lights in the evening and limiting caffeine intake. You'll discover the benefits of a warm bath, a calming pre-sleep routine, and creating a sleep-conducive bedroom environment.


**Join Us on the Path to Better Sleep**


At KayBee Consulting, we understand that sleep is the foundation of a healthy, fulfilling life. When you improve your sleep, you can tackle your days with renewed vigor and vitality. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Kerry Burrows and the 3-2-1 Better Sleep Method are here to empower you, educate you, and guide you toward a more restful night's sleep.


Reclaim your nights and wake up refreshed, ready to embrace each day with enthusiasm and vitality. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and welcome the midlife transformation with open arms. Invest in yourself, invest in your sleep, and embark on a journey to a healthier, happier you. It's time to start your transformation with Kerry Burrows of KayBee Consulting, your trusted partner in midlife well-being. Enroll in our online course today, and let's begin this life-changing journey together!

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Kerry Burrows

Kerry Burrows known as the Midlife Mentor & Motivator as a certified health & life coach committed to impact and help women in midlife feel and look amazing and believe in themselves. Sleep & hormone, weight management expert.
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Kerry Burrows is the owner and founder of KayBee Consulting – Certified Health & Life Coach for women in midlife.   She started her academia as Pre-Vet, then became a research scientist after earning her Biology & Applied health degree.  Kerry loves helping people so she worked in healthcare in different roles for over 2 decades,  She has a passion for nutrition, fitness, women’s health, and inspiring and empowering women to create energy, balance & joy!

 After her own struggle with debilitating insomonia, weight gain, having no energy, and feeling depressed in her mid 40's she went to her research roots to figure out what was going on and what could she do naturally to feel better.  It was peri-menopause and hormone imbalance, stress of going through a difficult divorce with 3 kids and trying to balance lifes challenges and a emotions.  With research came healthy habits and routines and being consistent with good nutrition, supplements, essential oils, positivity,  lots of self care and self love.
Kerry found her calling when her girlfriends asked what are you doing you are so full of life, energy and look healthy and dare I say sexy.  So she started teaching them.   Kerry finally at the age of 55 took the big leap and went to school to become a certified coach and started her own business.  Kerry specializes in sleep, hormone balance, weight management and inspiring women to believe in themselves.   
It is her passion & purpose to guide women with heart-centered coaching, science-based tools, strategies, and programs to support their journey for great sleep, vibrant quality health, balance in their hormones, and within their lives to have true joy.  Kerry’s philosophy is that we are One Body, One Mind & One Heart and they are all interconnected so being trained as both a health & life coach she is able to see, hear and help the whole person and not just the initial problem or struggle.   She has a passion coming from her heart to hold space for you! 

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Disclosure: The results and claims shared in this online course are based on individual experiences and dedication to the 3-2-1 Better Sleep Method. Outcomes may vary and are not guaranteed. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice related to your specific health and sleep needs.